Creator Spotlight: HiiO

Most of us have a love-hate relationship with technology. We rely on it, but sometimes too heavily, and the rapid growth of the tech industry can also raise concerns about the state of society and the environment. Our creator spotlight for this week, H I I O uses their art to explore these complex relationships through drawing connections between visual arts, environmental studies, science, culture, technology, and fashion.

Through their interdisciplinary, experimental practice, H I I O hopes to challenge conventional ideas of storytelling and art in order to expand the way viewers engage with art and society as a whole. This all starts by focusing on the relationship between human beings and their environment, and how this relationship is always in flux. For H I I O, art is the way forward. It has the power to show us the delicate balance between our actions and the environment, which allows us to form a sense of responsibility toward our planet's well-being.
Immersing their art in the digital world of Legal Graffiti lends itself to further dialogue between the artwork, viewer, creator, and surroundings. Not only does H I I O’s artwork get suspended in a new digital environment, it also interacts with other artworks in a free-flowing, ever-evolving space. How does being posted in the world of the app contextualize H I I O’s work? How can we be sustainable in a digital world? What does H I I O’s work say to you?
Weekly theme: Digital Sustainability
Tag your posts with #DigitalSustainability for a chance to be featured on the main page of Legal Graffiti and our Instagram account.
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