Live in the Joyful Now

Have you ever been told to live in the moment? To live in the now? Although we all know that’s generally pretty sound advice, it tends to be easier said than done. Getting sucked into busy day-to-day life can make it hard to be present and intentional, even if you want to introduce more mindfulness into your life. We’re here to tell you that sometimes all it takes is stopping and smelling the roses – or at least taking a photo of them.
Part of Legal Graffiti’s mission is to help its creators and users live in the now. By using the app as a lens you see the world through, you can start noticing what’s special and unique about the things around you, and about your own interpretation of them. Whether it’s about remembering a moment that made you feel a certain way or noticing a cool monument, place, or landscape, taking the time to capture that inspirational detail is a practice of mindfulness, and can also be one of joy.

Celebrate the world as you see it by taking the time to notice and engage with the little things, then share and revisit them whenever you want in the digital world of Legal Graffiti. Being in the joyful now is easier than it might seem. Share your joyful moments with us on the app and help us see the world through your lens!
Weekly theme: The Joyful Now
Tag your posts with #TheJoyfulNow for a chance to be featured on the main page of Legal Graffiti and our Instagram account.
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