Museum of Moments

Have you ever been given the advice to be more present – to live in the moment? A lot of the time that’s easier said than done, but those times when you are able to live fully in the moment, going with your own flow and the flow around you can be incredibly freeing. Part of the reason Legal Graffiti was created was to create a platform that both encourages you to live in the moment, but that also lets you hold onto that moment over the years. We like to think of the platform as a museum of moments in some ways.
Let’s say you’re walking around the East Village, snapping photos of all the cool street art, food, architecture or whatever else that catches your eye. Legal Graffiti lets you capture and document that moment, that inspiration and interaction with the city, and embed that creative spark in the virtual streets of the city itself. When you look back at your profile over the years, it becomes an archive of momentary interactions with the city. And those moments help build the city within the metaverse of the app.

Seeing Legal Graffiti in this light highlights some of the ways the app sets itself apart from other social media platforms. Rather than focusing on the self, Legal Graffiti wants to bring culture and individual interactions and interpretations of it to the forefront. It almost turns the world, your city, and even your neighborhood into a museum where you're creating an ever-growing record of culture. And it’s location- and time-bound, so as culture and your own interactions with the places you document change over time, they’ll also interact with past moments in interesting ways. Capture a creative moment in time and then preserve it in the metaverse forever!
Weekly theme: #moment
Tag your posts with #moment for a chance to be featured on the main page of Legal Graffiti and our Instagram account.
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